Thornhill lot up for sale in heritage district

Conservation District is being marketed as an “excellent redevelopment opportunity,” in a CB Richard Ellis Real Estate (CBRE) advertisement. But a local councillor says anyone who bought the lot with such plans in mind might be faced with a number of restrictions and challenges. Located on the northeast corner of Yonge Street and John Street, it is currently occupied by a Scotiabank and Tim Hortons.

Coun. Valerie Burke said the plaza, as it stands, is a “sea of asphalt.” If new owners came along and decided to redevelop, she said, they would need to abide by the zoning laws of the Thornhill Heritage Committee.

This can be a lengthy process, according to Dave Jordon, president of the Thornhill Conservation District Ratepayers Association.

“The heritage committee can be very frustrating,” Jordon said. “Anyone that has gone through the process leaves with a bad taste in their mouth. I support the district. I just think their current plan can be improved, the process can be more user-friendly.”

Although it was advertised as a redevelopment site, a CBRE spokesperson said, “What will be happening in that space is nothing more than what’s already there, but a number of offers will be coming in at the end of the month.”

Article exclusive to POST CITY