Harvest Kitchen

Harbord Street continues to be a top-notch culinary destination in Toronto. It’s home to the legendary Splendido, and also to The Harbord Room and its sister restaurant, THR & Co. The Food Dudes chose the neighbourhood for their upcoming venture, Tabula Rasa, and about a month ago Harvest Kitchen opened up in the space previously occupied by Tati Bistro.

Rock ‘n’ Horse Saloon

What would happen if two cowboy-themed bars opened up simultaneously in Toronto? Would the space-time continuum implode? We’ll soon find out, because two new saloons — Boots & Bourbon and Rock ‘n’ Horse — hosted their grand opening parties on Wednesday.

Indie Alehouse

Fifteen years ago, the sale of alcohol was prohibited in the Junction. As a sign of how much the west Toronto neighbourhood has changed since then, it now has two local, independent breweries: Junction Craft Brewing and Indie Alehouse, the latter of which opened its doors to the public for the first time last weekend.

Le Dolci

Lisa Sanguedolce — whose surname, fittingly, translates into Italian as “sweet blood” — has big plans in the works. As of today, she officially opened a new and improved location of Le Dolci, her cupcake-centric “foodie studio,” relocating it from a loft at King and Portland to a much larger space on Dundas West. But the address change is merely one of many pillars that comprise Sanguedolce’s expansive culinary vision.

Gusto 101

Sure, the newly-opened Gusto 101 is yet another Italian restaurant, but there are a few things that set it apart: the location was originally an auto body shop (it still retains its original exposed brick walls and steel beams), it features a unisex lavatory and, most importantly, it has an in-house winery, where the wine is served on tap for one dollar an ounce.


GROWING RIGHTEOUS GRAPES, despite your love of fine wine, might not be your idea of a good time. That doesn’t mean that a beautiful estate in wine country isn’t.